Saturday, July 9, 2016


Even though Lyra ordered sodas with the pizza, Silver Spoon and I are the only one drinking them. Everyone else, even Rarity, are drinking hard apple cider Lyra and Bon Bon brought with them.

After everyone's had their fill of pizza, Silver Spoon decides to go for a swim, as does Octavia; Vinyl takes the guitar and starts practicing a bit, while I sit and chat with Lyra and Bon Bon and Rarity sunbathes. The ciders have all vanished, and half the sodas are gone too.

Later, as we're all just relaxing by the pool, Vinyl suddenly says, "Hey Flash, wanna do me a solid?"

Considering the earlier conversation, I'm a bit hesitant to even ask what she has in mind. "Uhh...what is it?"

Vinyl adjusts her shades. Her cheeks are a bit flushed. "I've had this really, really kinky fantasy for a while now," she says. Lyra and Bon Bon crane their necks around with interest.

"Oh god, not this," Octavia moans, burying her face in her hands.

"I've always kinda wanted to see—well, hear now, I guess—Tavi get railed by a dude."


"What the hell, Vi?" Lyra gasps out, laughing hysterically.

"Ex-excuse me?" Rarity asks, spluttering.

Vinyl blushes. "I used to watch a lot of, y'know, porn," she says. "I like watchin' girls get railed by dudes."

"Shit, who doesn't?" Lyra asks.

"So sometimes, I'll have this fantasy about Tavi, y'know, havin' a guy or two inside her—"

"OR TWO?!" Octavia shrieks, her face and most of her upper body burning red.

"I like to have bukkake fantasies about Bon Bon," Lyra says.

"Gross!" Bon Bon complains.

"That is far more than I ever needed to know," Rarity says, a disgusted look on her face.

"What's bukkake?" Silver Spoon asks, blinking in confusion.

"Oh, it's where a whole bunch of dudes jack off all over—"

"It's something you don't wanna know about," I interrupt.

"Nevermind, I think I got it just from that," Sil says, turning green. "Ew."

"So how about it?" Vinyl asks. "Wanna whip it out and bang Tavi for me?"

"You're kidding, right?" I look from Vinyl to Octavia. Beside me, Rarity has a wide-eyed, disbelieving, mildly repulsed look on her face.

"Oh god, dude, DO IT!" Lyra says excitedly. "I so wanna watch!"

"Excuse me?" Octavia asks, arching an eyebrow.

"Umm..." Silver Spoon draws her knees up to her chest and wiggles her toes, peering at everyone over the tops of her knees. "I, uhh...I wouldn't...mind...seeing that." She blushes furiously.

Bon Bon shrugs. "Eh, why not. Free porn is free porn."

"Will you all please stop?" Octavia cries. "I can't believe this! I—"

"Tavi," Vinyl says, taking Octavia's hand and squeezing it. "C'mon, live a little. You know I love you, but you gotta take the stick out of your ass."

"And put the dick in it," Lyra stage-whispers with a giggle.

"No anal!" I blurt out. Everyone stares at me. I duck my head. "Still...still learning how to do that right..."

"Seriously, what's wrong with lettin' Flash bang you to get me hot?" Vinyl asks. "This bunch is jonesin' for a show, your folks are gone for like, two weeks, the fence is so high nobody can try to peek..." She leans forward with a salacious grin. "C'mon, Tavi. Just once, do something really stupid and really nasty."

"Flash certainly qualifies as both," Rarity says with a smirk. I roll my eyes and thump her in the shoulder.

Octavia stares at me. She ducks her head and runs a finger through her hair. "W-well," she stammers, "I-I guess...I mean...I suppose...I might regret it if I go through life without...without ever making love to a man..."

"It's highly overrated, darling," Rarity says. After a beat, she blushes and giggles. "Oh, who am I kidding. It's one of the most intense experiences a woman can ever have."

"Do it for me, Tavi?" Vinyl pleads, an innocent smile on her face.

"Yeah, do it right here!" Lyra says. "We all wanna watch." She walks over to the stereo and plugs her phone into it, then queues up what I guess must be her 'slow jams' mix. "Right, Silver Spoon?"

Silver Spoon blushes furiously. "I, um, I mean, umm..." She looks at me and ducks her head, then makes this weird little yipping sound like a fox.

I study Octavia, who's suddenly unwilling to meet my eyes. Build-wise, she's very similar to Rarity, though with slightly rounder thighs and less toned calves. Her feet are slender and sexy, with cute little toes. Her hips are more narrow, but her ass is fuller and rounder. I walk up to her and place my hands on her hips gently. "I won't pretend I'm not massively into the idea of having sex with you," I say. "You are amazingly hot."

Octavia ducks her head and smiles, playing with her hair. "Th-thank you," she says.

I slip my hands around to her rear and gently, firmly squeeze her ass. "Wanna give these crazy girls a show?" I whisper.

Octavia slaps my hands away from her butt and smirks at me. "Clearly you do," she says. She eyes me up and down, a slim eyebrow raised. "You think you're God's gift to women, don't you?"

"Honestly? I think I live in Crazytown and can't keep my dick in my pants." This elicits giggles from Rarity and Silver Spoon and amused snickers from Vinyl and Lyra.

Octavia laughs lightly. "Or your hands off girls' bodies," she says. She shakes her head, then looks around at the others. "You perverts really want to sit around and watch me be pawed and penetrated by this pervert?"

"YES!" Vinyl, Lyra, and Bon Bon yell. Silver Spoon just pokes her fingertips together and stammers, her cheeks flaming.

Octavia sniffs daintily. "Oh...very well, I'll think about it," she says. "But first, since Vinyl is the one putting us both up to this, I think it only fair she pays the price of admission, don't you?"

Vinyl sits up. "Wait, what?"

Octavia leans closer to me and whispers in my ear, "If you can get her to swallow your load, you can do whatever you want to me."

I stare at her. "Seriously?"

She smirks and reaches down, untying the string on my trunks. She pushes them down and lets them drop.

"DOOOOOOONG!" Lyra cheers, throwing a fist in the air.

"Oh, behave," Bon Bon says, whapping her upside the head. "It doesn't look as, well...big as I thought it would," she adds, staring at me with her head tilted.

"Five and five-eighths inches," Rarity says. "Unless it's grown some since I last measured it."

"You measured it?!" Silver Spoon cries.

"Long story," I say. "And, umm...yeah, okay, it's about average. I have it on good authority that's not a bad thing."

"Most definitely not," Rarity agrees, a faint rosy tint to her cheeks.

"Seriously Tavi, what was that about the price of admission?" Vinyl asks.

"I'm a bit curious about that myself," Rarity says, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, you're about to find out," Octavia says. She looks at me, then nods sharply in Vinyl's direction. I take a deep breath, then walk over to her. I can feel the others' curious stares follow me.

When I reach Vinyl's side, I grab hold of her hand and place it on my dick. "What the—?!" she yelps.

I wrap her fingers around my cock. "Sorry, Vinyl, she upped the ante."

"Holy shit, is this your dick?" She runs her fingers along the length, her mouth open in a surprised 'o'. "So that's what one feels like..."

I gently take hold of her chin and turn her to face me. "Sorry about this," I say.

"What, did Tavi say I gotta suck your dick?"

"Yeah. And you gotta swallow or the deal's off. Her rules, not mine."

Vinyl grins. "Wow, Tavi! I knew you had some sleaze in you somewhere, girl!" She snickers. "Sure, I'll play along." Keeping her hand on my dick, she leans forward, her mouth open.

"Dude, this is so hot," Lyra says with a huge grin.

I can honestly say 'get my dick sucked by a blind girl' was not even close to being on my list of things to do today, but here we are. With my help guiding her, Vinyl engulfs me with her mouth. What follows is, frankly, the worst blowjob I've ever had—and I've had a lot in the last year—but it does the job, mostly because I spend the entire time thinking about Tavi's ass. Fantasizing about the main course gets me through the appetizer, and I blow my load in the back of Vinyl's throat. She coughs and doubles over, but swallows instead of spitting it out. I step back and give her some room.

"Dude, that's gross," she says. "I think I'll scratch giving random dudes blowjobs off my list of things to do when I'm bored."

"At least you won't be spending the next half hour cleaning it off your face," Rarity says. The girls all turn to stare at her. She crosses her arms defensively and clears her throat.

Octavia rolls her eyes. "Well, a deal's a deal," she says with a dramatic sigh. She spreads out two beach towels, then spreads two more on top of them. Standing in the middle of her little makeshift beach blanket, she turns and faces me. She takes a deep breath, then looks straight at me, her cheeks red. "I am...all yours," she says.


I take a moment to run my hands slowly up Octavia's body before resting them on her shoulders and slowly peeling down her swimsuit. I stop once her breasts—those full, delicious breasts with pert pinkish-grey nipples—are uncovered, seizing them with both hands and kneading them. Octavia's breath hitches and she trembles slightly.

"Dude, what's goin' on? Somebody gimme the play by play," Vinyl says.

"As usual, Flash is going right for his favorite part of the body," Rarity says. "He has yet to meet a pair of breasts he couldn't wait to get his hands on."

"Speaking from personal experience?" Lyra asks.

"What can I say? I love tits." I smile at Octavia. "And yours are amazing."

"So I hear every time Vinyl paws me," Octavia says, rolling her eyes. "I do believe my girlfriend is interested in something she can, ahem, hear..."

"Hey, take your time," Vinyl says cheerfully. "I know how it is when you get hold of that awesome bod."

I fondle Octavia's breasts until my dick rises to bear again, then slowly peel her swimsuit the rest of the way off. As Octavia steps out of her swimsuit and kicks it away, I run my hands up her legs, enjoying the smoothness of her flawless skin, until I reach her hips. I stare at her slightly flushed, pouty sex and her neatly trimmed pubic hair as I reach behind her and grab hold of her ass again, squeezing it firmly as I press my dick against her thigh.

"Tavi's naked, and now he's going for the ass!" Lyra says. "And what an ass it is, folks! Oh, what I would not love to do to that ass—hey!"

Bon Bon has Lyra in a headlock. "Continuing," she says tersely.

I look around at the girls. "So, uhh...this is as much for your benefit as it is mine," I say. "What position do you want to see?"

"Wheelbarrow!" Lyra cries excitedly.

"No," I say, shuddering. "I did that with Pinkie Pie once and couldn't even make it to the bathroom the morning after."

"Doggie style!" Vinyl yells, pumping a fist in the air. "Woof woof!"

"Vinyl! Honestly!" Octavia huffs.

Rarity winces. "A girl's first time should never be doggie style," she says. "The, ah...time Flash and I...dallied, we did it twice on the beach, and the second time was, well...that." She grimaces. "I honestly did not particularly enjoy it."

"Oh god, I just pictured that," Lyra says, eyes wide. "I'm getting wet picturing that."

"I am too," Bon Bon says in an impressed tone.

"Are all high schoolers like this?" Silver Spoon asks, her face burning red.

"Pretty much, yeah," Vinyl says with a grin.

"So, ahh..." Octavia trembles as I stroke her slit with a finger. "Out of curiosity, Rarity...the first time you—"

"She was on top," I say. "Which doesn't really surprise me with the way Rarity loves to be in control of things."

"Yeah, I can see that," Lyra says.

"How about you choose?" Bon Bon says. "You're the one with the most to gain from this, you should do whatever you want to her."

"Within reason," Octavia adds.

"Alright." I lower Octavia onto the blankets, lying her on her back, and lower myself onto her.

"Ooh, missionary!" Lyra says. "A little vanilla, but you can't go wrong with the classics!"

"Missionary?" Silver Spoon asks curiously.

"Yeah, you see, the settlers used to take the Buffalo girls out behind the missions and—"

"That's not even close to where it comes from!" Bon Bon interrupts. "Good grief, Lyra!"

"I like my version better," Lyra pouts.

"You're sick."

"I know."

"Rarity, bring Vinyl over here so she can hear every little sound," I say as I trace slow circles around Octavia's labia with my fingers, thrilling at every little shudder.

"Oh yeah," Vinyl says, grinning. I tease open Octavia's sex as I spread her legs and position myself between her thighs. Rarity guides Vinyl over; she sits down next to Octavia and gropes around for her hand. Octavia takes Vinyl's hand and squeezes it, then looks up at me.

"Okay, I...I'm ready," she says hesitantly.

I rub my dick against her slit, then gently push in. Octavia tenses up, her breath hitching as her back arches slightly. With a slow, deliberate thrust, I enter her fully.

"Ah...!" Octavia gasps.

"And it's in!" Lyra reports enthusiastically.

I slide my hands under Octavia's thighs as I drive my cock into her with slow, even strokes, building up slickness so that I can hilt more easily. Octavia gasps, her breath hitching; the first time I thrust all the way in, she cries out.

"You okay?" I ask.

Octavia looks up at me. "I...yes," she says.

"How does it feel, Tavi?" Vinyl asks.

"Strange," Octavia says. "And..." Her face flushes. "A little...exciting..."

I draw out, then hilt again, eliciting a sharp gasp and a strangled moan from Octavia. I pick up my tempo, going deep with each thrust and making as much noise as I can each time my balls slap against her. Octavia's nails dig into Vinyl's palm; Vinyl's face is flushed and sweaty, and her free hand drifts toward her crotch. Silver Spoon has crept closer and is kneeling behind Octavia's head, watching with wide eyes and furiously red cheeks as I fuck Octavia.

"Holy crap, this is way better than porn," Lyra says.

"Oh dear...I think I might need to clear an evening soon," Rarity says. "I'm feeling rather...bothered..."

I pull out and roll Octavia over on her side, bending her legs up and forward so that her feet brush against Vinyl with every deep thrust into her pussy. Rarity whispers to Vinyl exactly what's happening, and Vinyl wraps her left arm around Octavia's knees, bracing her. Octavia cries out, her voice rising in pitch and volume as I pound her faster and faster. Her breasts bounce, her left breast rubbing against the towel under her while the right one swings freely until Vinyl's other hand finds it and kneads it.

"Ahh...ahhh! Ahhh!" Octavia cries. I grunt with each slap of flesh against flesh.

"Oh god, I need me some of this," Lyra says hoarsely.

"I'm about to make a mess," Bon Bon says.

I catch Silver Spoon rubbing her crotch as she stares at our lewd display. I look down at Octavia, whose eyes are closed; she's moaning and letting out gasping hisses as she bucks her ass against me.

"I'm come," I grunt out. After two more quick, sharp thrusts, I pull out, fighting against the tight grip of Octavia's sex, and jerk against her thigh as my seed explodes across her hip, side, and breast.

"Aww, not inside?" Lyra pouts.

"I try to avoid that as much as possible," I mutter as I sit back, untangling myself from Octavia, who lies there panting heavily. "Don't get me wrong, I love coming inside, but there's too much, y'know, risk."

"Yes, I...I certainly do not want to have your love child," Octavia says raggedly.

"I'm honestly surprised half the dorm isn't pregnant already," Rarity says. "I mean, we used protection when we did it at Haytona, but I know for a fact he came inside Sonata Dusk. I was there."

"You watched him do Sonata?" Vinyl asks.

Rarity rolls her eyes. "We all watched him do Sonata whether we wanted to or not," she replies.

I laugh. "She jumped me in the living room at the beach house," I say. "It was the very definition of surprise sex."

Octavia disentangles herself from Vinyl and sits up, crossing her legs. "W-well," she stammers, her face flushed and sweaty. "I, umm..." She looks at me through her lashes. "Th-that was..." She coughs. "Something I did not expect to be doing today, but..." She ducks her head. "I...actually quite enjoyed it." Her face burns even redder.

"I did too," I say with a smile.

She looks around at everyone staring at her. "I...I must admit...being nude out in the open is...rather thrilling," she says with a sheepish smile. "I would never do something like this if...if my parents were in town, but I do quite enjoy the...the thrill. Of being so...indecent."

"Uh-oh," Vinyl says with a grin. "I think we've got an exhibitionist on our hands!"

"Oh, hush you," Octavia says, blowing upward on her hair. "Do me a favor and wipe this...this semen off of my body."

"Sure, give me something to do it with and help me find where all he spooged on you," Vinyl agrees.

I look at Silver Spoon, who's trying not to look like she was just flicking the bean in front of a bunch of strangers, and Rarity, who's still crouched on the blankets looking incredibly sexy. "You know," I say slowly, "I've had the appetizer and the main course, but I think I can still go for dessert."

"Ooh, sleazy," Lyra says, laughing.

"Wh-what do you mean by 'dessert'?" Sil asks.

"He means he's gonna fuck somebody else now," Bon Bon answers.

"O-oh," Sil says. Her face flushing, she stammers, "N-not...not m-me?"

"You do look sweet and tasty," Lyra coos lecherously, earning a slap upside the head from Bon Bon.

Octavia raises an eyebrow. "I would honestly rather you not deflower a junior high student in my backyard, thank you," she says archly.

I shake my head. "Even if I wanted to—and I'd be lying if I said I didn't, kinda—I'm pretty sure Silver Spoon is on my Cannot Sleep With Ever list. As in, Twilight'd cut my dick off."

"O-oh," Sil says, sounding slightly disappointed. ",'d want to? If...if you could?"

I duck my head and look away, coughing.

"Ooooooh," Lyra coos, giggling.

"Dude, you're not a lolicon, are you?" Vinyl asks teasingly.

I make a strangled noise in my throat. "N-no!" I say.

"I, err...can somewhat see why a boy such as Flash would be...interested in Silver Spoon," Rarity says. "For a girl the same age as my little sister, she does have quite a lovely body."

Sil blushes even more furiously. "Th-thank you." She ducks her head. "I...I do get hit on sometimes at school. I mean, ever since I stopped being friends with Diamond Tiara."

"You mean you and Apple Bloom get hit on a lot, right?" I ask.

Sil squeaks. "W-well...yes," she says. "Oh, but I think she has a boyfriend. She just, umm...isn't telling anybody. I think she doesn't want Applejack finding out."

"Oh, this is juicy gossip!" Rarity squeals. "Who is the lucky lad?"

"I'd rather not say," Sil says. "Like I said, I'm not even sure it's official yet. It's just...I've seen them, umm...gounderthebleachersinthegymwhentheythinknobody'slooking..."

"Whoa, Flash, you went from zero to boner in half a second there," Bon Bon says, staring at my crotch. Everyone stares at me.

Rarity raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "Interesting," she drawls.

"You know, I think I just decided what I want for dessert," I announce loudly, rising to a crouch before pouncing on Rarity and tackling her. Octavia barely skitters out of the way in time, letting out an undignified squawk.

Rarity shrieks. "Wh-what are you—"

"Marshmallow parfait!" I yell, stripping off Rarity's bikini top as I straddle her chest, slapping my dick between her breasts and squeezing them together.

"Holy crap!" Lyra exclaims.

"What's he doing?" Vinyl asks. With a hopeful leer, she adds, "Is he fucking Rarity?"

"Not...exactly," Octavia says, tilting her head curiously as I begin thrusting up between Rarity's tits while she squirms underneath me.

"He's doing paizuri!" Lyra yells. At Vinyl's blank look, she clarifies, "He's fucking her tits!"

"Flash," Rarity gasps out, "you...really should...have asked...first!"

I tweak her nipples as I pound her boobs. "Oh, like you didn't see this coming," I say.

Rarity rolls her eyes and sighs. "Oh, very well. But...ah! time..." She sucks in a sharp breath between her teeth. "You touch me with—ah!—without asking first, I'm cutting off...something...most of the dorm will miss."

"Seriously, you're letting him off just like that?" Bon Bon asks.

"Rarity—" I grunt. "—reads the kind of—ah!—trashy romance novels...where the heroine gets—nggggh!—ravished by one of thoOOOOse—oiled-up—"

"They get the point," Rarity mutters, her face burning red.

"Why are you doing...that...there?" Sil asks, staring at Rarity's breasts as my dick pistons between them.

"Because it's incredibly fucking hot," Lyra answers with a leer. "Especially with a chick whose tits are as big as Rarity's."

"So glad you're...enjoying the show," Rarity groans.

It doesn't take long before I blow my load all over Rarity's chest and face. She wastes no time in pushing me off her; I roll over on my side on the beach towel while she sits up, wearing a disgusted expression. "You have no idea how tiresome having your semen all over my face gets, Flash."

I grin lazily up at her. "But you look so good in it."

Rarity rolls her eyes. "Beast."

Octavia stares at us. "Did...did that really just happen?" she asks quietly.

"It happened," Lyra says breathlessly. "It happened and it was awesome." She claps her hands together. "So who's next?" she asks eagerly.

"Nobody," I grunt, grimacing as I sit up. "I already came three times. If I blow one more load, Twilight's gonna know I've been up to no good."

"How?" Vinyl asks. "Does she have some kind of ESP for your dick?"

"Because after the fourth I can't walk straight," I reply. I rub my shoulder as I stand up. "Listen, Octavia...can I borrow your guest shower?"

"Of course," Octavia says.


As I head into the house, I hear Rarity complaining behind me. "Oh, sure, he gets to go clean himself up, while I'm still wearing his mess!"

"Oh, I think me and Bon Bon can clean you up," Lyra says in a sly tone.

The last thing I hear before I make it to the stairs is Rarity crying out in surprise...