Tuesday, July 12, 2016


The next thing I know, I'm lying on the floor, with Twilight and Pinkie to either side of me, giving me worried looks. I sit up, groaning and rubbing my head. "Ugh...what happened?"

"You fainted," Twilight says. "Are...are you alright?"

I shake my head. "I don't know," I groan. I look around. "And...and the Shadow?"

Rainbow walks up to me, grinning. "Whaddya think?"

She's wearing a dark blue bodysuit with golden lightning bolts at the tops of the boots, the cuffs of the gloves, and as a "belt" around the waist. On her chest is an emblem of a glittery silver cloud with a shining three-colored lightning bolt bisecting it. She raises her hand to show me a shining ruby lightning-shaped jewel.

I smile. "Cool." I tilt my head. "And what about your weapons?"

Rainbow smirks and pulls a silvery knife hilt from her belt. A blade of glowing green wind springs to life, swirling and whirring.

Twilight frowns. "Flash, the Chariot card...it disappeared as soon as Rainbow got her Element."

"Indeed," Zecora says from my left. I look up and meet her impassive, penetrating gaze. "It would seem that while the Chariot has been deemed worthy of the ultimate power of her soul...you have not been deemed worthy of the ultimate power of your bond." She regards me with a severe frown.

I sigh as I stand up. "Whatever. It doesn't matter." I look at Twilight and Pinkie. "I'm outta here."

The mists of the Velvet Room grow thicker and denser, blocking out all sight and sound as everything fades to grey...

Late Night

My phone wakes me up. My head is pounding. I feel like shit...

It's pitch black in my room except for the too-bright glow of my phone. I pick it up, glaring blearily at the screen. My eyes are too bleary to read it right now...

I tap 'answer'. "Hello?"

"That thing. It came out of you."

It's Cadance.

"I didn't want to tell the girls. I want...I want to know what's going on. Flash, what the hell's happening to you?"

I sink to the floor, all the life draining out of me.

"I don't know," I whisper hoarsely. "Cadance...don't tell anyone, alright? I...just please...don't tell them that came out of me."

"I won't," Cadance says. "But I think we need to talk."

I sigh. "Yeah. But not right now. I..."

"Okay," Cadance says quietly. "Try to get some sleep, okay?"

She hangs up. I turn off my phone and crawl back into bed, pulling the sheets up over my head.