Sunday, July 17, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Libra): You require more minerals.


It's been three days...

The dorm's empty today. Everybody's off doing their own thing. I walk into his room and sit on his bed. I look around...

It isn't the same with his guitar and stuff gone. It feels empty.

Like I feel empty.

Pinkie was in here this morning for some reason. I look around, trying to figure out what that was. Was it his tennis stuff? I think they're doing tennis today.

I think about going back to my room and reading. I haven't really done any reading since...

I decide not to, because I realize my eyes still really hurt from all the crying I've been doing lately. I don't have any tears left, but the pain and the swollen eyes and all that..they're still there, still a reminder.

My stomach growls. When was the last time I ate? What did I eat? I don't remember...

"Okay, when are you gonna knock it off with this living dead girl thing?"

I glance up at the open door. Sunset Shimmer is standing there, arms folded. "Go away," I croak. My voice sounds awful.

Sunset smirks and shakes her head. "So you had a fight with your boyfriend," she says. "Big deal. It happens. Get over it."

I stand up and push past her, going back to my room and slamming the door. I feel fresh tears trying to well up. I didn't know I had anything left...

Spike jumps up on me and starts licking my face and whimpering. I hold him tight and sob into his fur.


Why did you do this to me?

How could you do this to me?

I love you...

I thought you loved me too...

I've never felt so miserable and alone...