Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today's Horoscope (Virgo): To have hope costs you nothing. To lose hope will cost you everything.

Mom makes a fuss over my nose when we meet up for breakfast. It takes some doing to invent an excuse for it.

I spend half the day doing stuff with my parents, then take a walk to clear my head. while I'm walking, I run into Rainbow Dash. "Hey," I say.

"Hey," she says, shifting awkwardly.

We stand there in uncomfortable silence for a long moment.

Rainbow coughs and shuffles her feet. "So, uhh..." She sighs. "Look...what you did sucks and you deserve to have your ass kicked for it, but..." She shakes her head. "I'd rather see you an' Twilight get back together and things go back to the way they were than, y'know...this." She shrugs. "The dorm kinda sucks without you, man. You gotta fix this an' come home, alright?"

"Yeah, I want to," I say roughly. "I...I can't live without Twilight. Without all of you. You girls..." I swallow. "You're my family. All of you. I need you."

"And we need you." Rainbow frowns. "What Twilight did last night wasn't cool. I gotta..." She trails off, blinking. "Hey, what happened to your face anyway? You're all jacked up."


"Oh. Huh." Rainbow shrugs. "Well...seeya. Come back soon, alright?" With that, she goes about her own business.

Link repaired! Chariot rank MAX

The Rainbow Dash Social Link of the Chariot Arcana has been repaired.

I sigh and head back to the hotel.

On the way, I pull out my phone and send Twilight a text.

By the time I'm ready to go to bed, she still hasn't answered...