Saturday, January 2, 2016


Getting to the mall only eats up about half the time until the stores open. We do get some walking around the mall done, as Twilight suggested—roughly the exact amount of time it takes for us to get to the place that makes the soft pretzels, at which point Twilight spends the rest of the time until the stores open stuffing her face.

Yeah, okay, she's not the only one. Toaster pastries aren't very filling, and soft pretzels are good.

Twilight isn't as clothes-minded as some girls. To my surprise, she wants to buy the first thing that fits her and call it a day. I actually have to persuade her to do a little more shopping and try on a few dresses to find something that really works. A little over an hour after we started shopping, we both finally agree on a hip-hugging shimmery royal blue sleeveless dress that hangs down to mid-calf but is slit up the sides. In contrast to her Fall Formal dress, this one has a high collar and no cleavage whatsoever. Another fifteen minutes later, and she has shoes that match the dress.

"We still have a couple of hours to kill," I say as we leave the store; I'm carrying a garment bag over my shoulder, and Twilight has the bag with her shoes in hand.

"So let's eat," she says.

"No," I say, shaking my head. "I think I'm gonna get a new suit that matches your dress."

"Why? The suit you wore at the Fall Formal looks nice enough."

"I just have a hunch it's a good idea," I say.

Fortunately, it only takes me forty minutes to find a dark blue suit that's just right. After that, we have to hustle back to the dorm to get ready for the party. By the time we're both cleaned up again, dressed, and Twilight's done her makeup, Cadance and Shining Armor are ready to drive us all over to Haflinger Hall.

"You all look great," Cadance says. She's wearing a red qipao with a jade and gold dragon embroidered from front to back.

"Thanks," I say.

"I have to admit, I'm glad I got this dress," Twilight says.

It looks nice on you.

"Thanks. Yours looks good too, Sonata," Twilight says. Sonata is wearing a wine-colored dress with dark purple stockings and lilac sandals. She's still in her wheelchair, of course, but she looks really pretty. A gauzy shawl that matches her stockings is wrapped fetchingly around her neck to hide the scars on her throat. She's carrying her notepad and marker instead of her tablet today. Fluttershy is wearing a knee-length green party dress with white trim and white low-heeled sandals.

"I'm glad to see you in something a little more...modest," Shining Armor says to Twilight. He's wearing a dark blue suit very similar to mine.

"Shiny," Cadance growls.

Mercifully, the drive to the hall is short, and we're there a good fifteen minutes early. Once we've parked, Shining Armor and I help Cadance unload the presents, while Twilight and Fluttershy head to the doors with Sonata. We catch up to them before they enter, and go in as a group.

Haflinger Hall is a medium-sized party hall. It's nicely appointed but not too ostentatious. A bandstand is set up to one side; a string quartet is warming up. Octavia is playing with them! She notices me and gives me a small wave, then goes back to her music. There are several tables arranged along one side of the hall, and flowers and decorations everywhere.

"What is this, a birthday party or a wedding reception?" Shining Armor wonders.

Rarity sweeps up to us, wearing a dark red velvet dress that sweeps the floor, but is parted in the front in such a way that it leaves most of her left leg bare. It's also rather low-cut, affording a generous amount of cleavage. Her hair and makeup are perfect as always, and she's wearing a wide, fine gold necklace with a cameo pendant, in addition to three slim gold bracelets on each wrist. She beams broadly. "Welcome, welcome everyone! Thank you for coming, darlings!"

"Happy birthday, Rarity!" Twilight says. The rest of us follow suit, with Sonata writing on her notebook:

Happy birthday! I'm Sonata, by the way. It's nice to meet you.

"Thank you all," Rarity says. She smiles at Sonata. "It's nice to meet you as well. You're living in the dorm now, yes?"

That's right.

"Sonata was in a car accident a while back. Her vocal cords were badly damaged, so she can't talk," Cadance explains.

"Oh, you poor dear!" Rarity says. "Well, I hope you all enjoy the party! Do excuse me for a moment, would you? I have to see to..." She trails off, makes a frustrated noise, and sweeps off in a different direction.

Is she the queen bee around here?

"I wouldn't put it that way," Twilight says. "Rarity is very...focused on appearances and...well..." She shakes her head. "But she's also very friendly and very easy to get along with. She's just...a little eccentric."

"Boy, I'll say," Rainbow's voice says. We turn to see Rainbow and Pinkie walking up to us.

I can't help but stare at Rainbow. She's wearing the same little black dress and pumps she wore to the Fall Formal, but without the stockings or gloves. Her hair has been styled, and cascades in a glossy wave over her right eye, the separate colors shining like some kind of rainbow waterfall. The back of her hair has been gathered into a loose ponytail with a twist, and she's wearing more makeup than I've ever seen her wear—which still isn't a lot, but it makes her

"Wow," I say.

"I agree," Shining Armor says. "WOW."

Rainbow blushes furiously and ducks her head. "Cut it out, you guys..."

"You look amazing, Rainbow Dash!" Cadance says. The other girls agree.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Pinkie asks, pouting. She's wearing a clingy, sleeveless raspberry red gown with gold trim that's slit up the right side and has a heart-shaped cleavage window in the front, with a matching choker and slippers. She has a charm bracelet on her right wrist and small, simple earrings, and her unruly mop of pink curls has been straightened out and tamed into a sleek curtain of glossy pink. Usually, when Pinkie's hair is straight, it means she's upset or angry, but she's her usual cheerful self at the moment, and her tasteful makeup highlights her natural beauty.

"You look great, Pinkie," I say.

"Aww, thanks."

A man in a tuxedo with white gloves walks up to us. "If you have presents, I'll take them and put them on the gift table now," he says. We all hand over the presents, and he takes them to a table piled with colorful, wrapped packages.

Rarity glides back over to us. "Sorry about running off like that, darlings," she says. "I've got you all at a table over here, right next to my family's table...if you'll just follow me..."

Rarity leads us all to a table, and we take our seats; Rarity removes a chair to give Sonata a space. "I'll be back to catch up with you all soon," Rarity says before wandering off again to talk to an older couple at another table.

"Good grief, what the hell kind of birthday party is this?" Shining Armor wonders.

A throaty chuckle from behind him draws our attention; we turn to see a man with brown hair, thick eyebrows, and a cheesy handlebar mustache, dressed in a white tuxedo. "She did go over the top just a bit, didn't she?" he says. "I'm Rarity's father. So you're her dormmates, are you?"

"That's right," Twilight says.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be insulting or anything," Shining Armor says. He looks more than a bit nervous; I don't blame him. Rarity's dad is huge.

Rarity's dad laughs. "Not at all," he says. "After all, this party is my birthday present to my daughter. It's what she wanted—a big fancy party, really hoity-toity. But between you and's not my style. I hate wearing a tuxedo..."

"Howdy y'all!" Applejack walks up to the table, dressed exactly the same way she was at the Fall Formal. She takes a seat. "Ain't seen y'all in a dog's age...everybody have a good Christmas?"

"We sure did!" Pinkie says. She introduces Applejack to Sonata.

The party officially gets underway at this point. The whole thing is...frankly an incredible bore; most of us spend it catching up with each other. We learn that Applejack's sister Apple Bloom will be moving into the dorm tomorrow.

"She can have my room now that I'm on the third floor," Twilight says.

"Sounds good," Applejack says. "Ah didn't right fancy sharin' a room with mah sis."

Rarity joins us at our table as some rather unappetizing fancy food is served. About an hour later, she excuses herself to the restroom.

"I'll go with you!" Twilight says. "I need to, um...powder my nose."

Rarity and Twilight leave the table and head for the ladies' room.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

New Message From: Sonata Dusk

I didn't want to say anything in front of Rarity, but...this party is terrible!

I smirk.

New Message To: Sonata Dusk

It really is.

Rainbow looks around the table. "Hey, has anybody seen Fluttershy?"

Cadance frowns. "I think she slipped away a little while ago..."

"Really?" Pinkie asks. "I didn't notice."

"Well, she's usually so quiet, I guess none of us noticed her leave," I say.

Shining Armor scratches his cheek. "I wonder if she's in the bathroom, or if she j—"


The classical music, the hushed conversation, whatever else Coach was about to all stops as the hall turns red and black.

Cadance, Pinkie, Rainbow, and I look around at one another.

" we go."

Cadance pulls out her phone. "APHRODITE!"

Aphrodite appears above her.

//Twilight and Rarity are together...I don't sense Capricorn yet, but there are Shadows here...// Cadance suddenly gasps. //I'm sensing Eris!//

"Wonderful," I mutter. "Like this wasn't gonna be bad enough..."

//Everybody be quiet a minute, I'm going to tell Twilight to bring Rarity here. We all need to stay together.//
